Strengthening e-Government services and quality assurance system within public administration
Strengthening e-Government services and quality assurance system within public administration
The work
*️⃣ We organised the activities around the global and specific objectives of this assignment in a logical way that ensures the full achievement of the objectives.
*️⃣ While the activities carried out will produce the expected results, the results will mark the achievement of the specific objectives and the specific objectives will mark the achievement of the global objective.
Gap analysis with recommendations to public administration institutions for ISO 27000 certification
Risk assessment for ISO 27000; Gap analysis for 91 institutions for ISO 27000; Identification of measures to bridge the gaps; Identification of service providers for ISO 20000; Gap analysis for ISO 20000;
The plan
*️⃣ As new information may be available since the drafting of the Terms of Reference, the inception period is dedicated to updating the project work plan and allocation of resources and report accordingly in the Inception Report.
*️⃣ Monitoring and reporting will be carried out during the whole implementation period. *️⃣ At the end of each month, a Progress Report will be drafted and presented to the Beneficiary and Contracting Authority.
Legal Analysis
*️⃣ In order to support the Serbian successful alignment with the EU acquis, a comprehensive analysis of legal framework will be provided. *️⃣ It will be mainly focused on providing gap analysis on the compliance of national legislation with EU acquis related to information security and overview of best comparative European legal practices. *️⃣ The analysis will identify requirements needed for successful transposition of key directives as well as for effective application of other relevant hard and soft law Union acquis.
ITE Assessment
*️⃣ The activity of the Office for IT and eGovernment (ITE) will be assessed against the provisions of ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 standards. *️⃣ The assessment will reveal the needed remediation actions that needs to be further implemented as precondition for achieving the certifications.
ITE Remediations
*️⃣ Following the assessment, the Office for IT and eGovernment will be assisted for the implementation of the remediation actions revealed by the assessment. *️⃣ At the end of this phase, ITE will be ready to start the certification process for ISO 27001 and ISO 20000.
ITE Certification
*️⃣ An independent auditor will perform the ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 certification audits after ITE would have implemented the remediations actions. *️⃣ At the end of these audits ITE will be certified for delivering e-services in full compliance with information security and service management standards.
PAI Assessments
*️⃣ A number of 91 Public Administration Institutions (PAI) will be assessed against the provisions of ISO 27001 standard. *️⃣ Following the assessment, each institution will receive a remediation plan for the actions needed to be implemented in order to achieve further ISO 27001 certification. *️⃣ They will also receive a clear roadmap towards the certification. *️⃣ From these 91 public administration institutions, the ones that will be directly involved in providing eGovernment services will be selected, proposed for ISO 20000 certification and will receive a clear roadmap towards ISO 20000 certification.
*️⃣ The last activity of the assignment will be the Project Closing. *️⃣ The Final Report will be produced and approved and this will mark the official end of the assignment.
During the period of this assignment we have to overcome two important challenges, the large number of stakeholders (there are 90+ public administration institutions involved) and the timeframe (12 months) in which the assignment must be completed. That's why we will use innovative tools in order to be efficient and effective and to provide all stakeholders with the needed information in real time. These tools are a dedicated Technical Assistance platform and a specialised Compliance tool.